Sports Games for Kids
"The game may only last a few hours, but the memories we make last a lifetime."
We would love your support!
It takes a village to raise a child, or in this case, bring a child to a game! Of course we need and would appreciate your support!
There are many ways you can help us knock it out of the park!
Looking for ways to help us at no cost to you? Please scroll down to find out about Amazon Smiles and Kroger Community Rewards!
Interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor? We have several options available! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us!
If you would like to make a monetary donation to our cause, you may do so quickly and safely via PayPal link below.
If you are interested in volunteering your time either for a game with the kids or by working at one of our future fundraising events, please contact us!
If you are interested in donating an item for our fundraising raffle, please contact us!
For more information on our upcoming fundraising events, see our future events!
Thank you for your support. We couldn't do this without you!

Kroger Community Rewards
A completely free program that donates money to local charities based on the participation of each charity's members. It does not use your points or affect your account in any way. We never receive your information. If you would like to support us through Kroger Community Rewards please follow the steps below!
You must first create a profile for your Kroger Plus card. If you have no profile please visit the following link to create it:
To enroll in community rewards please use the following link:
Search for "Sports Games For Kids" or our ID 59939
Check the box next to "Sports Games for Kids"
And click "Enroll".

Amazon Smile
Shop Smile.Amazon.com and select Sports Games for Kids as your charity!
It's as simple as changing your bookmark from Amazon.com to Smile.Amazon.Com!
All info can be found here: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/about/ref=smi_se_dshb_aas_saas
A special THANK YOU to our generous sponsors: